Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Ethan starts kindergarden

Ethan started Kindergarden yesterday. He was so excited! He was up pretty early getting ready. He actually didn't ride the bus yesterday though. For the first day, they had the students bring an adult friend (parent, grandparent, neighbor . . . ). So, I went with Ethan while my neighbor watched Grant and Sasha for me. Here are some of the pictures that I took while at school with Ethan.

The students drew pictures of their families. He drew each of our initials by the person. We are all holding Sasha up over our heads.

This morning, Ethan rode the bus to school. He was so excited to get on. I believe in this picture, he is looking at the school bus coming.

He was so excited to get on the bus. The bus driver actually had to talk with him about watching her to see when he could get on. He thought she was ready, but I guess not. In this picture, you can his little orange back pack. He sat right in the front seat.

He's looking forward to going to school tomorrow. I think it will be a fun year for him!


Melissa said...

Wow! That is so crazy, I love all the excitement that comes with kindergarten, he is so smart, he'll love it!

Julie said...

this is so adorable! Ethan looks so cute!

Garth and Alicia said...

How exciting! And what a change for you? Time sure goes by way to fast! I can't wait to hear some good Ethan stories about school!

Beth said...

Wow, I haven't checked blogs in awhile! What cute pictures and stories. Watch out, those kids will be grown in a heartbeat (long days, short years). Love you guys, Beth