Tuesday, December 23, 2008

News for the Durtschi Family

For those of you who don't know, Brian got a job at the INL in Idaho Falls. We are currently looking for a house and are so excited to be moving there. Brian starts his job on January 5 and will commute until we find a house. Actually, the plan is for him to go down at the beginning of the week and stay with Jake and Angie some nights. Hopefully I can come down with the children sometime during the week so we can see Brian. We are so excited and we just wanted to let you know.

A bit of winter fun!

I think the pictures speak for themselves. We now have a lot of snow here. I would guess about 2 feet, I'm actually thinking more, but my estimates seem to be a bit off. The boys love it!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Big tower of Wonder blocks

Brian's mom has this huge box of wonder blocks. We all had a lot of fun playing with them. This was one of the things that we did with them. As you can see, it was a bit taller than Brian. As far as pictures from Thanksgiving go, this is it. I clearly forgot to take many pictures, but we did have a really good time. We hope that you all had a great Thanksgiving!